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What’s the Best Way to Store Your Delicious Kitchen Spices?

Cooking at home doesn’t have to be rocket science. With a little prep work and a lot of care, you can quickly whip up staple meals your kiddos will ask for every week. The trick is always having ready-to-use ingredients. Most of these you can pick up from your local fish market, butcher, or grocer, but for spices, you want our selection from Raw Nature Cuisine.

The best spices have an unmatched ability to elevate our culinary creations. But do you know the best way to keep these aromatic wonders at their prime? Storing them correctly not only prolongs their lifespan but also preserves their vibrant flavors and aromas. Let's explore the art of spice storage, and why it’s crucial for your kitchen endeavors.

Understand the Lifespan of Spices

The potency of spices doesn’t last forever. Typically, whole spices can retain their zing for up to 3-4 years, while ground ones start losing their kick after about 1-2 years. If they're devoid of aroma or color, it's time for a replacement.

You can quickly tell if it’s time to swap something out by cracking open the lid and sniffing what is inside. We highly recommend if you use our premium spices for your second home, Airbnb rental, or family cabin, you do a quick “spice audit” on your next visit – just in case.


Light, Heat, and Moisture

Spices are like delicate flowers when it comes to light, heat, and moisture – they wilt! Direct sunlight can bleach the vibrant colors, while excessive heat can sap their aromatic oils. Moisture? It’s a recipe for clumped spices or, worse, mold. So always ensure your spices are stored in cool, dry places away from direct sunlight.

Airtight sealing is what you want. While those plastic packets might be economical, they aren’t the best for long-term storage. Glass containers with airtight seals are your best friends here. They’re not just about aesthetics. Forget the Instagram-worthy images and go with storage options that are sure to protect the contents from external elements.


Don’t forget to label them with the purchase or opening dates – it’s a lifesaver for determining freshness. Plus, it helps when your kids or cousin on a visit who doesn’t understand cooking is trying to assist in the kitchen.

Best Places in the Kitchen

That spice rack above the stove might look great, but it's not the best spot. The fluctuating temperatures can tamper with the spice quality. If you have a lot of natural light in your kitchen shining near your range, you definitely don’t want to select that spot.

Drawers and cabinets, especially those away from appliances that produce heat, are optimal. You want something cool and dry that isn’t in direct sunlight. If you have a cabinet with a glass opening so you can see inside, that is fine, but again, don’t let sunlight creep in.

Keeping Moisture at Bay

There’s a unique thing that happens in any area with humidity. When the spring and summer hit, your salt is going to clump up and, likely, not come out of the saltshaker. The same is true for any of your salt storage options.

Consider adding rice or silica gel packets to the storage container. We prefer rice because it is natural and won’t harm your family if it accidentally breaks open. Remember, the quality of spices from Raw Nature Cuisine's food seasoning products is top-notch – but even the best spices deserve optimal storage to maintain that quality.

Rotating Your Spices

Just like in a professional kitchen, adopt the 'first in, first out' principle. When buying new spices, move the older ones to the front, ensuring they’re used up first. It's an easy way to ensure you're always using the freshest batch.

With some spices, you’ll need to provide a bit of extra TLC. For instance, Saffron Whole prefers a dark place, as light can degrade its delicate threads. So you’ll want to store these in drawers or closed shelving. On the other hand, Paprika Smoked Sweet, with its vibrant hue and smoky notes, stays best when refrigerated to maintain its color and prevent it from turning bitter. 

The trick is finding what works for your personal taste preferences and kitchen activities. Feel free to experiment, but stick to the moisture rule no matter what.


The dance of flavors that spices bring to our plates is unparalleled. Proper storage becomes pivotal to ensure this dance remains as enchanting as ever. Always keep your spices in a cool, dry space free from too much sunlight and away from moisture. There are plenty of storage options you can find online that look visually appealing and offer these assurances.


We pride ourselves on cultivating the best spices. At Raw Nature Cuisine, we want you to get the most out of our products. Take your time and find a solution that works best for your living space, and you’ll never be out of an essential ingredient when hungry bellies gather around the table.

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